Louisville Kentucky Cocaine & Meth Possession Attorney

Tireless Defense for Cocaine and Meth Charges in Louisville

Cocaine and methamphetamine (meth) are two of the most prevalently used and distributed drugs in the communities around Louisville, Kentucky. Both types of drugs are commonly associated with abuse and addiction and, therefore, meth and cocaine possessions are dealt with harshly. Everyone these days wants to show they are tough on drug crimes.

I am drug defense attorney Tim Denison, and I like to level the playing field in the war against drugs by providing equally tough defense to those who are facing trafficking, possession and manufacturing charges for cocaine, meth and crack. If you have been charged with meth or cocaine possession, do not raise your hands in surrender and give up just yet. Call me and find out what I can do for you.

Factors That Will Be Considered

The charges you face and the case that will be made against you will be based on a key set of issues. The court will consider:

  • The quantity of drugs you were caught with
  • The type of drugs you were caught with
  • Any previous criminal history or drug charges on your record
  • Possession of precursor chemicals or drug paraphernalia
  • Evidence of violence or weapons
  • Evidence of drug manufacturing

I will help you understand the implications of your charges and explore the possible penalties you face. I will pursue every available avenue for your defense to try to get your charges dismissed or reduced.

Free Consultations

If you are facing meth or cocaine possession charges, or other drug crime charges, act quickly to get effective representation. Cocaine & Meth Possession Lawyer Tim Denison is not afraid to defy conventions, redefine norms or push the boundaries to come up with creative means of winning your case. To discuss your case with Tim call 502-589-6916or send an email today.