Bowling Green Drug Arrest
WBKO ran a story describing a Bowling Green drug arrest. The defendant was in an apartment when the police showed up based on a tip. They smelled marijuana coming from the unit. Residents had complained about potential drug deals.
When asked, the man consented to a police search of his residence. As a result, police found marijuana, marijuana paraphernalia, methamphetamine and other drugs, as well as items commonly used in drug trafficking.
Do I Have to Consent to a Police Search?
The answer is no. Again, just so we’re absolutely clear – NO! You won’t gain any special favors. You won’t help your case. You won’t make new friends. You will, however, forfeit an important right. You do not have to allow the police to enter or to search your home. You can ask them to show you their search warrant. If they don’t have one, they may (or may not) be able to get one. Nonetheless, without it a warrant, you don’t have to consent to a police search.
Now, because the police smelled marijuana coming from the unit, one could argue they had probable cause. Even so, they are not allowed to enter your home without a warrant. If they knock on the door and you open it, police can look inside from where they are standing. This may give them something to use as a basis for obtaining a search warrant, but again, without one, you do not have to allow them to enter your home.
This Bowling Green drug arrest is even more serious because, while inside the home, police also found a handgun. The defendant is a felon, which means he is not allowed to possess a firearm.
If you’ve been involved in a Bowling Green drug arrest, it’s time to understand your options. Speak only to a criminal defense attorney. Police and prosecutors are actively building a case against you. Anything you say, anything, can and often will be held against you in court.
A skilled criminal defense attorney may be able to get evidence suppressed, spot important violations in police procedures and ultimately get your case dismissed. Either way, when you have a trial attorney on your side, you at least have a fighting chance. By the way, when you call, assume they are monitoring your calls from the jail. It happens more often than you might think.